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Beaches Big Island

Located on the Big Island’s West Side, Honokohau Beach is a long sandy beach, great for morning jogs, or sunset beach strolls. The water is calm, shallow, somewhat rocky, and protected by an outer reef, making it an excellent spot for snorkeling.

Honokohau is also one of several beaches that make up the Kalolo-Honokohau National Historic Park. Spanning 1,160-acres, this park is home to some of Hawaii’s best archaeological sites and artifacts, including ancient petroglyphs (rock carvings), burial sites, temples, trails, home platforms, and fishponds (Aiopio, Aimakapa, and Kaloko), suggesting that this location once supported a Hawaiian settlement. Tip: If you have kids, stop by the Visitor’s Center beforehand and ask for the junior ranger booklet for enhanced educational fun in the park.

Near the northern end of the beach, a little inland, is the trail that leads to Queen’s Bath, a spring-fed lava pool that’s a popular spot to rinse off after a day of playing in the sand and saltwater. Adventure and discovery wait just down the trail and around the corner at Honokohau Beach. Come see what kind of memories you can make here.

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