We are so excited to welcome you back to Hawaii. We are committed to the safety, comfort and well-being of our guests and our island communities, and we want to welcome you safely and responsibly. While some things will be different as we work together to navigate this ‘new normal,’ Hawaii’s natural beauty and aloha remain unchanged.
Travel Safely
Please visit these websites for the latest detailed information about traveling safely to Hawaii.
- Go Hawaii
- Safe Travels Hawaii
- Hawaii State Department of Health
- Hawaii Tourism Authority
- Hawaii State Covid-19 Information
- County Covid-19 Info: Kaua‘i • Maui • Hawai‘i • O‘ahu
Staying Safe Together
Our Staying Safe Together policies benefits everyone! Please be mindful of the limited healthcare resources in our island communities. We ask that all Hawaii Life guests adhere to our policies, as follows:
Travel Safe - Travel only when everyone in your group remains healthy and has been healthy for the past 10 days (i.e., no sign of fever, cough, or body aches). Please be mindful of the limited healthcare resources in many of our island communities. If you or someone in your party feels unwell or has been exposed to someone who is sick, we will help you find alternative dates for you.
Wear a Mask - Correct and consistent mask use remains a critical tool that we can use to prevent getting and spreading COVID-19. As of March 26, 2022 masks will no longer be required while indoors. Masks are still strongly recommended for people over age 65, with compromised immune systems, who care for people at risk of severe illness and those unvaccinated for COVID-19.
Social Distance - Practice social distancing when enjoying the beaches, parks or trails, and please follow all posted rules for each area. Give locals and your fellow travelers as much space as possible at public, indoor and outdoor locations.
Limit Exposure - Should you need to purchase household items or groceries, please designate only one member of your household to run errands – this helps keep our local communities safe and healthy. We encourage you to please pack and bring your own sunscreen and supplies, as needed. Local stores may have limited supplies and limited hours.
Stay Safe - During your stay, if you or someone in your party feels unwell or develop symptoms of COVID-19, please seek immediate medical attention.
Please join in our efforts to help keep Hawaii safe by wearing masks in public, social distancing, and taking extra care in our small island communities. Mahalo for your kokua!
Stay Safe Housekeeping
Hawaii Life cares deeply about the safety and comfort of our guests, our property management team and our communities. Our Stay Safe housekeeping practices are designed to ensure the health and well-being of our entire community.
Our housekeeping staff follows all CDC guidelines.
Our housekeeping staff wears PPE at all times when visiting our properties.
All high-traffic areas of our managed homes are cleaned, disinfected and sanitized.
We ensure fresh linens are provided for each arriving guest.
Extra cleaning and sanitizing materials are provided for our guests' convenience.
We guarantee a minimum 24-hour waiting period between guests.