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6 Jan 2019
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Historic and picturesque, the Tree Tunnel is the gateway to Kauai’s charming south shore. The Tree Tunnel stretches over a mile and comprises nearly 500 eucalyptus trees.

History of the Tree Tunnel

The iconic pathway was gifted to the community in 1911 from the Pineapple Baron, Walter McBryde. It is said that the trees were left over from a massive landscaping project on his personal estate, which today serves as the grounds to the Kukiolomno Park and Golf Course.

Kauai Tree Tunnel

The Tree Tunnel has been stripped bare by two hurricanes, and both times nature has restored its beautiful canopy.

Up for a Challenge?

It is a practice of local children (and willing adults) to attempt to hold their breath through the entire one-mile drive. This task is more difficult than you can imagine!

From time to time, Hawaiian legends are told regarding the highway and its resident ghosts, but we will let you discover those for yourself...